Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) with its beautiful purple flower is found in many southern Idaho gardens because of its sweet aroma, but it is also one of the most versatile plants in its uses for healing. It can be utilized in a number of ways.
• Put dried lavender in a sock and tie the sock with a string. Heat in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes and place around the neck for relaxation and headaches.
• In herbal and tincture form, lavender can be taken internally for nervous tension and insomnia because it tones the nervous system.
• Adding 5 drops of lavender oil to your bath at night will encourage your muscles to relax for a good night’s rest.
• The oil used topically has many uses. Two drops placed in the ear will soothe earaches. It is beneficial for cuts, acne, burns, varicose veins and stretch marks. This is because of its anti-inflammatory, sedative and antiseptic properties. As a birthing practitioner, when women complain of Braxton Hicks contractions, I have them apply lavender oil to the abdomen and lower back to reduce muscle tension.
• In the outdoors, lavender is a very effective first aid remedy. Apply several times to insect bites to take the itch and sting away. If lavender is dropped on a poisons spider, it will kill the spider. However, it will not kill a non-poisons spider. I had a friend in an emergency situation apply lavender to a snakebite wound (applied to whole limb) and it neutralized the poison.
I trust you will have a relaxing summer as you enjoy your experience with lavender. If you have questions or comments concerning information offered in this article, please post a comment below.
What's your favorite use for lavender?
Medical Disclaimer: Information in this article is for educational purposes only. This information is not intended as medical advice or for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional. Neither the publisher nor the author directly or indirectly dispenses medical advice, nor do they prescribe remedies or assume responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves.